It's a many-textured thing, id's FPS classic, and it'd be bold to the point of idiocy if I were to pretend your Doom was the same as my Doom.
It's important to say that while also acknowledging that Doom doesn't have a single agreed-upon 'feel'. But whatever else it does feel like, it doesn't feel like Doom. It's a little like Quake 3 and a little like Unreal Tournament and maybe even a little like Call of Duty, though that's more a structural comparison than a game-feel comparison. The multiplayer beta for id's latest opened today and, determined to face my fears, I've been playing for most of the day.
Some of those things are more familiar than others to a seasoned Doom player like myself and I fear change more than I fear a sextet of Cyberdemons.
Doom ! It's the bloodsoaked new game with the demons and the rocket skeletons and the telefrags and the shotguns and the multiplayer levelling and the character customisation and the class-like loadouts and the double-jump.